Have you felt the weather changing? As we move away from summer and into autumn, we remind you that the election is coming up in just a couple short months! The deadline to sign up to vote by mail in New Jersey is Tuesday, October 13th. We recommend continuing to social distance and ensure you get your ballot out via our great people working for the postal service.
NJ Peace Action Webinar
On Tuesday, September 29th at 7:00 PM, NJ Peace Action will be holding a Zoom webinar discussing the cost of Medicare for All vs. the cost of the military in the United States. Melinda St. Louis, the Director of Public Citizen’s Medicare for All campaign, and Rosie Lopez-Torres, the Executive Director and co-founder of Burn Pits 360, will be discussing the ongoing crisis in our healthcare system. For more information and registration, click this link.
Mortality Rates From COVID-19 Lower in Unionized Nursing Homes
In a recently published study by HealthAffairs.org, New York state nursing homes were found to have a lower percentage of nursing home residents who died from COVID-19 where their workers were unionized. When these workers were able to fight for better working conditions and their necessary personal protective equipment, there were better outcomes for their patients. Because healthcare is so strongly connected to one’s place of work as it stands, we can see how important unionizing is for everyone’s health
NJ Assembly Voting on Bag Ban
After several years of campaigning by many groups to stop plastic pollution, tomorrow, September 24th, the New Jersey Assembly has finally taken steps to move the single-use carryout bag and Styrofoam ban forward! Please call Assembly Speaker Coughlin and your Assembly state representatives, tell them you support the bill, and ask they do all they can to pass S864/A1978.