On behalf of our Board of Directors, I want to welcome you to the New Jersey Universal Healthcare Coalition, and to thank you for visiting our website. NJUHC is the only New Jersey state wide organization whose missions are; (1) to provide information to NJ residents about Medicare for All; and (2) promote legislation at both the NJ and federal level that will advance implementation of expanded and improved Medicare for All for all U.S. residents regardless of age or employment status. We believe that health care is an economic and moral imperative, and that coverage should be universal and not tied to employment.
Our missions are based on our understanding of what works, and what NJ voters want. Medicare has served seniors with quality and efficient health care for 59 years. In December of 2022, the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling conducted a state-wide poll to assess support for Medicare for All among NJ voters. 71% support it, and 93% of those supporters also support achieving universal coverage at the state level, if possible sooner than at the federal level. Our marching orders are clear.
To this end, legislation is pending in the NJ Senate (S304) and Assembly (in process), and at the federal level in the House (HR3421) and Senate (S1655). We work to build public support for this legislation. We lobby legislators throughout the state to co-sponsor these bills. We actively seek and welcome organizations and individuals to join our effort to build this movement.
"Everybody In. Nobody Out"
Yours in solidarity,
Lloyd Alterman, MD, FACP
Chair, NJUHC Board
Our current Board Chairman, Dr. Lloyd Alterman is a retired internist and kidney specialist who, after 35 years of practice, has become passionate about the need to reform our Nation's health care delivery. He has written opinion pieces for national websites, and has spoken at events throughout NJ on the moral imperative and potential economic benefits of universal health care. In addition to his work with NJUHC, he is a member of the Physicians for a National Health Program, and a Board member of One Payer States.