Medicare for All Resources

National and Statewide
Medicare for All Activist Organizations

Physicians for a National Health Program –
“PNHP opposes for-profit, corporate control of the health care system, and market-based health care policies that prioritize investors’ profits over health needs. PNHP believes that a national health program should be democratically controlled, publicly administered, and funded by progressive taxes.”

Healthcare-NOW –
A national organization/coalition of organizations supporting single payer healthcare where “everyone would receive comprehensive healthcare coverage…based on need, not ability to pay”. The New Jersey Universal Health Care Coalition is a member and they serve on our E Board.

National Nurses United (NNU) –
“National Nurses United, with nearly 225,000 members nationwide, is the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in U.S. history” and is a major activist supporter for Medicare for All.

Labor Campaign for Single Payer –
“Taking the Labor Movement to the forefront in the fight for single payer healthcare, because it’s time to take healthcare off the bargaining table.”

One Payer States –
Statewide initiatives to establish Medicare for All residents for populations within each of their states: H.R. 6270 – State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 2023-24. Summary: H.R. 6270 – 118th Congress (2023-2024).

The Kaiser Family Foundation –
A website that provides extensive information and statistics regarding health care policy, practice and outcomes including Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, hospitals, etc. See recent polling data on this website for public support for single payer.

FixIt –
(available in short (38 min) and longer version (58 min). Made in Pennsylvania; excellent documentary on the business case for single payer. Healthcare-NOW edited the longer version to create a short (21min) and focused version available at

For Reading –

The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper and Fairer Health Care by T.R. Reid, 2010.

Medicare for All vs all the Healthcare Each can Afford by the Sander’s Institute and the California Nurses Association, 2017.

Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements by Bill Moyers, 2001.

Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks out on how Corporate PR is Killing Healthcare and Deceiving Americans, by Wendell Potter, 2011.

The Case for Medicare for All by Gerald Friedman. Polity Press, 2020.

Medicare for All: An Economic Rationale by Ken Lefkowitz (NJ resident, PNHP and NJUHC member), Routledge, 2022.