General Membership Meeting
Save the date! Saturday, December 12th from 10AM to noon, we will be hosting our virtual Winter General Membership Meeting! Join us, and invite anyone interested in learning about the benefits of Medicare for All and what we are doing to help get our state’s population covered! Keep your eyes on our Facebook and Twitter to get up to date on more information. We are accepting nominations for NJUHC board members from our member organizations until Nov 12. Anyone part of an organization should consider having their organization join our coalition and our fight for universal healthcare. Read up on our Donation page for more information on joining the NJUHC.
Upcoming Training and Toolkit
Mark your calendars for this upcoming 101 Training Webinar by Medicare for All Resolutions on Wednesday, October 14th at 8PM. They’ll be discussing the details of building the movement for healthcare justice in your own community. You can also check out their step-by-step toolkit for more information on passing resolutions in your area.
Webinar Recordings
You can also watch Medicare for All Resolutions’ town hall from last month, Building the Movement for Health Care Justice, and NJ Peace Action’s webinar discussing militarism vs healthcare in our country.
Don’t forget to get your flu shot for this fall! The CDC recommends all people 6 months of age and older get a flu vaccine every year, and this year is extra important!
Image by @hyttalosouza on