Congratulations Biden and Harris!
As we celebrate the new incoming administration of the United States this January, we cannot lose focus on the healthcare crisis. Numbers of those being diagnosed with Covid-19 continue to rise, both nationally and in our home state. With the possibility of a vaccine on the horizon, we must advocate that those who have suffered disproportionately from the virus, including healthcare and other essential workers, people of color, and the elderly, are the first to get it. We must also ensure universal coverage to everyone, including undocumented residents, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or household income.
The Affordable Care Act has helped about 22 million people get health insurance coverage, but leaves 35 million uninsured, including over 5 million that have lost coverage since the pandemic began. The ACA open enrollment period extends until December 15, and is an option for those who need coverage. Check out for more information.
Although we celebrate the Biden/Harris victory, it is unfortunate that the incoming administration does not support Medicare for All. More pandemics are inevitable, and the only way to avoid the unconscionable disparities evidenced during this one is to guarantee every U.S. resident coverage, cradle to grave.
General Membership Meeting
Saturday, December 12th, we will be convening virtually from 10 AM to 12 PM for our winter general membership meeting. Anthony Diaz, a cofounder of the Newark Water Coalition, will be joining us as a guest speaker. The board will be meeting soon to finalize the full agenda. You can register to be part of the meeting here. We hope to see you online, and we hope to see you in person soon!
2021 Medicare for All Strategy Conference
Healthcare-NOW! is hosting its annual Medicare for All conference next year starting Saturday, January 23rd at 1 PM and going to Sunday the 24th at 5 PM. Their completely online conference will be highlighting effective strategies and tactics from across the country for building the movement to win Medicare for All. More information can be found here.
New Labor Gala
On Saturday, December 5th from 6 PM to 8 PM, New Labor is hosting their 11th annual gala celebrating 20 years of educating, organizing, and fighting for better work conditions and social justice in the workplace! Their group has been doing great work throughout the pandemic helping clean up dangerous health and safety conditions in the work place, empowering workers to recover unpaid wages, and exercise their worker rights. Go to this link or scan the QR code for more information.