We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy in these unprecedented times. With the spread of the COVID-19 virus, it is important to continue to follow professionals’ advisories. If you have questions about this, we point you in the direction of the CDC’s website. Our group has begun making changes to reflect the suggestions of these professionals, including cancelling our June general membership meeting. We are planning to reschedule for September, keep your eyes peeled for more information!
We will be transitioning into more web-based methods to reach out and continue our push for Medicare for All. This pandemic has shown us how a single payer solution is the only way to protect us all. Those that receive the least amount of healthcare put us all at risk, and we need to have everyone covered. We hope that you continue to assist us in our cause and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We are looking to hear from you about your experiences and thoughts during this public health crisis.
We leave you with a recent article from Jacobin about why COVID-19 is showing us that we need Medicare for All at a minimum in our country. This virus has revealed how poorly prepared our population is for this kind of outbreak, and while Medicare for All would not have prevented all the issues that have appeared, it would have set us up much better for these troubles. The article can be read here. We wish you all to stay healthy and happy.